All-In Team Night on March 22nd


IF YOU ARE part of setting the table at C3 through serving on a team or hosting a dinner party or are interested in being part, join us this Wednesday night for all-in team night.

Food, fun, worship, prayer, and most importantly, experiencing the presence of God together, this is a night where those who are ministering in our church and community are ministered to and we’d love to have you there!

You can also sign-up for our Next Steps course which takes you through our vision, your story, and how we follow Jesus together.


Location: C3 Fort Worth (directions)
Doors Open at 6:30pm (come early for some food and friends)
Service goes from 7pm-8:15pm (we’ll have prayer for as long as needed)
Childcare Provided for 6mo+
(please RSVP if you need childcare using the form below)

Brandon Cole