Friends of c3 fort worth


Dear friend of C3,

Thank you for supporting us over the years. Praying God has blessed you and sustained you! I want to share with you a vision of a city seeing Jesus like never before.

Since we replanted C3 Fort Worth over four years ago God has led us into strategic areas of influence in every sphere of culture — politics, the arts, entrepreneurship. And now we have a building. A place we call home in one of the fastest-growing cities in America.

God has given us this building right in the heart of the city. It’s truly a miracle. And we need a little help to finish the launch.

On every side of us is expansion – over Two Billion dollars of planned growth. And tens of thousands of new people. We are strategically in the epicenter of the region and by God’s direction, we are precisely in the center of His will and timing. 

Rosedale Evans Development

Our purpose at C3 is to make disciples who fix their eyes on Jesus, are formed in community, and live out their calling until our city sees Jesus like never before.

National Juneteenth Museum

Here’s the context. Fort Worth is growing faster than Dallas and is now one of the largest cities in America. Fort Worth is a city with a small-town community feel… you could say it is the ‘World’s biggest small town’. With nicknames like Panther City, Funkytown, or Cowtown the diversity and variety in this city is seen on every corner. It has a growing economic base, a vibrant arts community, a strong government, and a crew of like-minded pastors committed to serving this city together.

Our building is right next to the new $70 million dollar Rosedale Evans Development, we’re just blocks from the new National Juneteenth Museum. Texas A&M is building a new school within walking distance, TCU is expanding and the hospital district near us is becoming one of the largest in America. 

C3 Fort Worth is in the middle of it all in Historic Southside. Our new neighborhood is where Martin Luther King Jr used to stay as he fought in the Civil Rights Movement and where Opal Lee led her Juneteenth march through the city until it became a national holiday. Cattle drives ended at the Stockyards in Fort Worth, the railroad settled the West, the Van Cliburn happens here, and the Amon Carter and the Modern Art Museum are world-class.

We are in the center of what will be one of the most important and vital neighborhoods in this city. And we carry in our hearts a vision for what God can do through a people who commit to seeing a city see Jesus in distinctive and fresh ways. This is what our city and neighborhood needs! It’s what we believe our vision accomplishes.

Through a creative partnership, we were able to purchase our new building which is 14,000 square feet of old factory that has been retrofitted and renovated to encapsulate both the funky of Fort Worth and the grit of this city. From wood rafters to brick walls this is a home for Fort Worth. And that is exactly what we intend it to be.

As a church we want people to see Jesus, find a community, but also live out their God-given calling. That is why we are so excited about this new space right in the heart of Fort Worth.

We bought this space knowing that Monday thru Saturday was going to be as valuable and fruitful as Sunday. It is here that we can facilitate, encourage, and guide with a space full of more capable resources that will do exactly what we’ve dreamed of for over a decade.

We’ve said it this way, we didn’t buy a church building. We bought a building that could do church and so much more.

On Sundays, you will find a people gathered in worship and prayer lifting up Jesus and throughout the week you will see people realizing how they can live with purpose on their street and in their neighborhood. In the places they go and with the people they meet.

The primary goal is that our space would be used by creatives, entrepreneurs, non-profit leaders, and all those looking to dig deeper into their purpose and excavate the richness of all that God has created them to be.

This will happen in several ways, but some of the more prominent would include the following…

Co-Working Space that gathers those just beginning, under-resourced, or in the thick of growing their dream. They will collaborate, have community-focused events and workshops, meet with mentors in their field, and be given the space to develop their initiative to do good in the city of Fort Worth and beyond.

Gallery and Event Space that will be the extension of the co-working community. What people dream up and map out at their desks will be given a space to try it out in the real world. From art galleries, pop-up shops, and showcases, we believe many in our church and beyond will find a safe and inspiring place to take what's in their heart and put their hands to it successfully. We have already seen local neighborhood non-profits utilize the usable portions of our building. 

One such non-profit is Create + Co. where they recently celebrated their volunteers who have joined their cause to help first-generation college students succeed in the next phase of their life. We will also make it available for outside organizations and people to rent the space for their specific needs.

Audio/Visual Space to showcase art and thought in our Gallery, which will double as our Lobby.  Displaying Fort Worth’s expression of itself will offer another gathering point for people to encourage these gifts.  When people walk into our lobby gallery they will still encounter our city. The Auditorium will be multi-functional in that it will be our primary assembly space for large groups, including C3’s Sunday Services.  Developing and refining our Podcasting Studio is also a desire to better serve our community beyond our very minimal setup, which is being sought out for weekly use - both internally and from the city.

We are creating a space where people will meet Jesus and discover the life he’s created them for. We need your help.

To finish this project and have it fully launched in the next few months we are asking for your financial help on the three main cogs of the engine that will power a new day for C3.

Worship/Event Space — PHASE ONE Electrical and HVAC

Cost: $100,000

There is a large clear-span warehouse that will become a top-end space in the city for Sundays, events, weddings, concerts, workshops, and more… it’s there but needs new electrical and HVAC to be added to support our plans.

Worship/Event Space & Gallery — PHASE TWO Audio and Visual

Cost: $75,000

Creating a space that doesn’t distract but builds participation is our goal with unique and effective choices in lighting, design, and production elements. We want to encourage an individual’s inspired pursuits, understandings, and desires that are being called out by God’s Spirit. This space will have the capability to host a variety of events.

Gallery/Office — PHASE THREE Finish Out

Cost: $50,000

This is where we live and work. A place that feels like Fort Worth.  From children’s areas to work spaces to counseling spaces. This is where life happens. Full of possibility, opportunity, and community. Creating a space that fits this will require new desks, chairs, furniture, and more to help accommodate the growing neighborhood.

Total Cost: $225k

Thank you for prayerfully considering making an investment in the city and the people of Fort Worth. You can head to to see more about how this space will be used and how our church is committed to the vision of our house.

Grace and peace,

Pastors Brandon & Meredith Cole

Download Booklet

We’ve created a book that shows much of what you’ve read here that you can download or send.


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Any questions you have please reach out. My phone is 817-487-3081 and my email is

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